Memorial Day Wind Socks Craft & Troop Give Back

  • 20 May 2019
  • 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Bayley Beach


Registration is closed

Memorial Day Craft
Bayley Beach

Monday 5/20 - 4:30-5:30pm

We will craft a Memorial Day wind sock to proudly display at your home, but more importantly will be making cards for the Troops and collecting items to send to them.  As you may recall from our Instagram post, we sent Valentines cards and received an amazing honor - an American Flag that was flown in our honor for a mission. So, we will be expressing our gratitude once again by sending another care package. Some items requested: Candy, cookies/snacks, gum, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, puzzle books. Can’t make the craft, but want to help? Send us an email and we can provide a drop off for cards/supplies.

Check out our website for all of the events.

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